Tuesday, July 10, 2018

John Robert Peterson, Part 2

John Robert Peterson Timeline (1884-1897):
  • 1884-1892:  John and Julia either get divorced or she dies.  No more record of her.  John married Mary Thompson during this time period.
  • 1887:  John's father George moved to the southwest part of Missouri and all of his male children followed at some point (Source: George's Homestead application-see image below.)
  • 1892:  John and Mary's son, George is born (Source: newspaper accounts.)
  • 1895:  John and Mary's son, Robert is born (Sources: newspaper accounts and Robert's own family bio.)
  • 1895:  John was living in Madison County, Arkansas where Mary Thompson was living. (Source: John's father George's probate-see image below.)
  • 1897:  John and Mary die one day apart and are buried in Deepwood Cemetery, Nevada Missouri (Source: Newspaper accounts.)

John's second wife (and Roy's mother) was Mary Thompson.  She was the daughter of Thurman Thompson and Mary Elizabeth Watkins (see post on Mary Thompson (Roy's mother.)  She was born in Madison County, Arkansas.  John and Mary probably married in Madison County, Arkansas but there is no document to prove this.

The following document shows that John's father, George claims that he moved his family on the homestead in McDonald County, Missouri in March of 1887.  All of his children were grown at this point, but his three living sons all lived in the area by 1895.  His sons were John Robert, Archibald Chapel and Aristobulus Thomas Peterson.

George H. Peterson's Homestead Affidavit-where George states he and his family lived by March 1887.  George H. Peterson was John's father, Roy's grandfather.

The following document shows all the living heirs of George H. Peterson.  It says that John Peterson was living in Madison County, Arkansas in 1895.  This is important since Mary Thompson was from Madison County, Arkansas.
22 October 1895, John R. Peterson living in Madison Co., Arkansas

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