Saturday, February 9, 2019

Harry Hay-The Underhand Wonder

I figure it's time for me to delve into my mother's side of the family tree.  My mother's side has a cast of interesting characters that is worthy of some time here.

First up?  Harry Samuel Hay (see Orville Cedrick Hay's Family Tree)

Harry Samuel Hay was son of James Stark Hay and Lutisha Eller.  He was born 24 Nov. 1878 in La Porte County, Indiana.  He married Bertha Jones (daughter of George W. Jones and Rhuama Alzine Morehead.)

Harry Hay's life would be unremarkable except for one thing...He was an underhand minor league pitcher who beat the Cincinnati Reds twice.

The Indianapolis News, 27 Feb. 1908

Here is a short blurb that gives a tease before the first meeting between the Reds and Harry's team:

Cincinnati Enquirer, 28 June 1907
The first game, Dunkirk (Harry's team) won 12-7.  The second game seemed to be more of a pitcher's duel.  Of course, we don't know if the reds played their regulars in these games, but it looks good in the paper.
The Indianapolis News, 10 Oct. 1907

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