Saturday, March 19, 2011

"A Babe Six Weeks Old"

The following account is probably the first mention of Roy F. Peterson in any form of public record. Royal Frederick Peterson was born on January 1, 1897 in Nevada, Missouri to John Robert Peterson and Mary Thompson.
Nevada, Missouri, Thursday, February 11, 1897.


The Father Dead, The Mother Dving [sic]; Children Destitute.

John R. Peterson died this afternoon of pneumonia at his home on East Sycamore Street
Mrs. Peterson is also very low of the same disease and it is doubtful if she can recover; The family came here from Arkansas and for six weeks have been clothed and fed by the Provident Association (see post on the Provident Association).  There are three little children—a babe six weeks old, one three years of age, and one five years of age.

With the father dead, the mother dying and the children in so distressingly destitute a condition this is a case certainly for the exercise of Christian charity.
The three children mentioned in this report are:

6 week old: Royal F. Peterson
3 year old: Robert Peterson (uncle Bob)
5 year old: George Peterson


  • Nevada Daily Mail, Nevada, Missouri

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