Monday, March 21, 2011

Fatherless, motherless, and homeless

Nevada, Missouri, Friday, February 12, 1897.


And Three Babies Will Be on the Charities of the World.

            The body of John R. Peterson, the man who died yesterday on East Sycamore Street under distressingly sad circumstances, is held in Wainscott & Gammon’s morgue as it is thought his wife can not live through the night.
            Mention was made in yesterday’s issue of the Mail of the melancholy condition of this afflicted family.  When the mother dies three little ones—the oldest five years of age and the youngest six weeks, will be left fatherless, motherless and homeless.
            The family came here not long since from Arkansas and for six weeks past have been cared for by the Provident Association, being sick and utterly destitute.

The family came to Nevada, Missouri from Thompson, Madison County, Arkansas.  See post on Thompson, Arkansas.

  • Nevada Daily Mail (Nevada, Missouri)

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