Sunday, March 27, 2011

A home for the children and parents...

Nevada, Missouri, Thursday, February 18, 1897.

            The bodies of the Petersons, husband and wife still lie in Wainscott & Gammon’s morgue, being held till something can be heard from relative in McDonald County.  The husband died just one week ago today and the wife the next day, leaving three children the oldest but five years old.

            Ladies of the Childrens Home Society, are looking into the matter of placing the little Peterson children, whose parents died the other day, into permanent homes.  There are three of these children, the oldest being five years and the youngest six weeks old.  They are said to sprightly children.  They have temporary homes with kind-hearted residents in the east part of the city.

Nevada, Missouri, Saturday, February 20, 1897

            The bodies of J. R. Peterson and wife, which have been kept in Wainscott & Gammon’s morgue for more than a week were consigned to their last home in Deepwood, this afternoon, the relatives not desiring to have them taken elsewhere.  A letter was received by Joseph Wiswold who has the children, from Mrs. Peterson’s mother, who lives in Thompson, Ark., stating that they were not able to send for the bodies.  They want the children and will send some one after them.  The little ones are 5 and 3 years and six weeks old respectively.

See post on Deepwood Cemetery.


  • Nevada Daily Mail, Nevada, Missouri

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