Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Robert Peterson's Family History

My grandfather's life (Roy Peterson) has been documented in newspapers for a major portion of his life.  He wasn't famous or wealthy.  The main reason his story is laid out in newspapers is the sadness of his circumstances.

Prior to the World Wide Web and online access to newspapers, Roy's brother wrote a short biography of his parents, John Robert Peterson and Mary Thompson.  I was told by relatives that his story was mostly fiction but I've discovered that most of his facts were accurate.

I would recommend reading Robert's story before looking at my comments.  This will give you the full affect of how close Robert Peterson was to the truth (my comments are posted at the bottom of this post.)

Note that Robert Peterson (Roy's brother) signs his name as William Robert Arnold Peterson (WRA Peterson).  I am not sure of the origin of this name.  Was it his real name or did he add William & Arnold later?  

Biography with my annotations.

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